"House of Prayer & Deliverance"


Demonstrate a Passion for God – Through daily worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with all of our heart, body, mind and strength (Matthew 22:37; Luke 10:27; Mark 12:30).

Show Love for All People – A demonstrated love and warm care for people of all cultures.  Repentance Tabernacle is a place where the poor may worship alongside the wealthy; the educated beside the uneducated. Our purpose is to express our love to all people (Romans 1:14; Matthew 22:9; Luke 14:23).

Equipping Leaders – Discovering and developing every member’s gifts, talents, aptitudes, attitudes and character.  We humbly place our abilities at His feet and pray:  “Lord, use my life for your Kingdom’s sake!”  Our purpose is to be used by God (Isaiah 61:1-2; Ephesians 4:12).

Penetrating Outreach – Deliberate reaching out with a message of hope to the hurt community.  As Jesus stepped onto Peter’s “boat” so we will reach out to those God loves (Luke 5:1-5, 10).

Create Healthy Families – a duty to maintain the family - God’s building block.  Our purpose is to be loving spouses, wise parents, strong single parents and obedient sons and daughters.  These purposes are lived out through fellowship during the week, and through worship services [1 Tim. 3:4-5; 5:8].

Go Out Of Our Way To Share Christ 

Mission Statement

Express Our Love To All People

Love God With All Of Our Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength

Be Used By God

Repentance Tabernacle Church

Be Loving Spouses, Wise Parents, Strong Single-Parents & Obedient Sons & Daughters

"House of Prayer & Deliverance"